Welcome to the new i-194 Waiver Forum
We wanted to take a moment to welcome everyone to our new forum. New here? Take a moment and start with the About section at the top of this page. Already a forum member? We know that the switch...
24 replies
What's the difference between an I-192 and I-194?
What's the difference between an I-192 and I-194?
3 replies
Purpose of travel letter
I am planning to visit multiple times for social and tourism purposes. what do I need to put intended activities in the letter? just about the first visit is fine? Any help appreciated.
2 replies
Security Check
Hi guys I emailed for an update and received a response saying that its on file and pending results from required security checks. Does anyone know what kind of checks they do and what they...
2 replies
What should company letter for USWaiver say ?
Hi there, I am applying for the first time. I have all the documents completed. My company sends engineers quite often to US for attending different seminars and sometimes for assisting...
10 replies
PreClearance Toronto
Planning to apply waiver at YYZ Toronto coming Saturday. At what time do we need to reach there? how much time does it take?
2 replies
This form is submitted in connection with an application for?
what do i need to enter for question This form is submitted in connection with an application for? in G 325? appreciate any help.
1 reply
Need a little help please~
I am a little lost with this whole process and I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Nov 2016 I got my finger prints completed. Jan 10th Received a letter from the RCMP along...
3 replies
Drug conviction... can you still get Waiver?
Does anybody here know if you can get a us entry Waiver with a drug charge? I've heard from some sources that they don't grant waivers for trafficking convictions. Does anybody know anything about...
6 replies
Petty Offence Exception
Hello folks, I'm fairly new to this site, but have been visiting often. I'm really getting into reading others stories on here and offering helpful answers when I can. Finding information on...
9 replies
Someone Please Help
I have been waiting for 7 months now to hear back from the aro office. This is my first time applying for a waiver. I submitted my application 2 months after I was denied entry. I decided to call...
3 replies
I am here to help you on your US Waivers.
Hello to all the people on this forum, I was told by a friend named Marie Perrin, about people needing help with I-192 waivers to achieve their I-194 waivers. By no means am I an expert on...
35 replies
WAIVER will expire while I'm away
hi I'm going away next week and my waiver will expire on March 9th, can i stay in the US while my waiver is expired or its a must come back before that day? i already apply for the next one but...
3 replies
Waiver Eligibility Question
Hello, I stumbled across this site while doing some research and thought I'd post my question here. I don't require a waiver myself - I have a visa to live in the US. However, I have a close...
1 reply
Waiver application processing times
Filed on sept5 2016 at North Portal land crossing Just received yesterday dated Jan17 a five year waiver. It is my second waiver
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Old Crimal charges/Cannot remeber what they were from
Im trying to get all the paperwork together to apply for my U.S. Waiver.. I was at the point where I am needing to expain my convictions.. I had 2 charges of "obstructing a peace officer" and I...
2 replies

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Welcome to the I‑194 Waiver Forum

A discussion forum for any Canadian who has been denied entry into the United States because of criminal record, having overstayed a previous visit to the U.S., an infectious disease, or other reason. Applying for and receiving a US entry waiver is a simple process that you can complete yourself. It requires documentation, fingerprints, completion of the I-192 waiver application form and an interview at a pre-clearance or US border facility. Current filing fees are $585 / $930 US. This US I-194 waiver is typically granted for temporary visits to the USA for between 1-5 years (5 years is the maximum).

Update: As of Mid-2019 you can file and pay Form I-192 application online using the Electronic Secured Adjudication Forms Environment (e-SAFE).

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