Welcome to the new i-194 Waiver Forum
We wanted to take a moment to welcome everyone to our new forum. New here? Take a moment and start with the About section at the top of this page. Already a forum member? We know that the switch...
26 replies
On April 1 2024 the Waiver fee is going up to $1100USD form its current $585USD. I will post a link tomorrow. Despite the date, not an April fools joke unfortunately.
J Rogers
20 replies
Reasonable wait time from charge to first application
What is a ‘reasonable’ amount of time to wait from your charge to filing your first application? My timeline is as follows; Jan 2020- conditional discharge - 3 years probation Jan 2023-...
3 replies
Migration -it HAS to be done in the next 10 days.
My clients are all getting emails saying they only have 10 days to migrate over. You have to FULLY log in to migrate over.
J Rogers
11 replies
Still waiting…submitted paper docs in Feb 2024
It’s so hard seeing all these approvals that were just submitted in April! I handed in my paper documents in person to the Pembina ND border crossing Feb 5, 2024. This is my 4th renewal...
Ellie 2024
16 replies
E-File and Border Visit Only Way To Apply for a Waiver now?
Can you still mail in forms with prints from a police station? Or is only option to go to one of the border locations using the E-Safe process? Also, I am in the US with an expired waiver. Anyone...
Ken Sutherland
1 reply
I 192
I received this email does anyone know what it means ? Dear e-SAFE User: For your awareness, on Thursday, June 06, 2024, e-SAFE successfully completed their migration to Login.gov. e-SAFE...
2 replies
I am not offering you SEO, nor PPC. It's something completely different. Just send me keywords of your interest and I'll give you traffic guarantees on each of them. Let me demonstrate how it works...
Is there anyone encounter this problem? e-SAFE Form I-192 An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system...
2 replies
If im inadmissible due to an overstay, am i allowed to have connecting flights out of the United States or am i not allowed in at all
1 reply
Off Topic Question
I was just curious about the fact that everyone here has or did have a criminal record at one time or another. What was there job profession now given that the 'criminal record' title could/would...
18 replies
E-Safe Down for Maintenance?
Been running into this over the last week or so. Trying to take the next steps in my waiver application/renewal process and can't do it. I migrated my account a few months ago and when I try to...
2 replies
AROinquirywaiver. Response
Hi, This is a response my client received when tracing his application. It is actually more then I expected. This is for a November E-safe application for a renewal. It is currently pending...
2 replies
waiting on waiver
hi i went thru a lawyer mistake #1 ,, and he sent it in e-safe dec 4, 2023.. still haven't heard anything tried to ask the lawyer and hea said they were watching closely for it to be processed.....
9 replies
Canadian citizen with unlawful presence in the US
Is there anyone who came to Canada from the US and later became a citizen here? I have overstay in the US and I am inadmissible as a result of this. I know the d3 waiver takes care of this but I...
3 replies
Any update on I 192 process
I applied for my I 192 renewal four months ago using e safe - online. Any idea what will happen to my application since I couldn't for fingerprinting within 45 days after filing my application...
37 replies

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Welcome to the I‑194 Waiver Forum

A discussion forum for any Canadian who has been denied entry into the United States because of criminal record, having overstayed a previous visit to the U.S., an infectious disease, or other reason. Applying for and receiving a US entry waiver is a simple process that you can complete yourself. It requires documentation, fingerprints, completion of the I-192 waiver application form and an interview at a pre-clearance or US border facility. Current filing fees are $585 / $930 US. This US I-194 waiver is typically granted for temporary visits to the USA for between 1-5 years (5 years is the maximum).

Update: As of Mid-2019 you can file and pay Form I-192 application online using the Electronic Secured Adjudication Forms Environment (e-SAFE).

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