Welcome to the new i-194 Waiver Forum
We wanted to take a moment to welcome everyone to our new forum. New here? Take a moment and start with the About section at the top of this page. Already a forum member? We know that the switch...
24 replies
Arrested for trafficking but never charged
I was arrested in Oct 2022 for trafficking after the RCMP seized a package addressed to me. I was interrogated and released, I was never charged. In Oct 2023, I tried entering the US and was...
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The forms have CHANGED. I will itemize all the changes once I have FINISHED the application, but it looks like they have changed some of the format, some of the questions, and it also looks like...
J Rogers
4 replies
Form G-28
If you are helping your spouse with the application do you need to indicate that on the application? My friend is helping her spouse so she put her information at the end of the application where...
Alien registration number
I’m filling out the I-192 application form to renew my waiver and under Part 2 Q4 it asks for an alien registration number (A-Number). Do I enter the number that shows on my waiver since it...
1 reply
If im inadmissible due to an overstay, am i allowed to have connecting flights out of the United States or am i not allowed in at all
1 reply
court record for us arrest
Hi, I was arrested for possession in the usa in 2012. They found out in 2022 during an unfortunate verification (for training a new officier to use a database!) Assuming that they have the...
Sam 84
1 reply
Waiver forgiveness?
I was denied entry in to the US in 2006 for a criminal conviction that was later discharged. Those charges were theft under 5k and obtaining credit by fraud with no jail time. I have been...
1 reply
Us waiver submit July 2023
Received my 5 year waiver today! 8 months to the day! 3/18/2024, 12:35 PM EDT : Status changed to Completed 7/18/2023, 04:01 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO 7/17/2023, 04:18 PM EDT :...
2 replies
Hi Mr Rogers I had one year waiver I already applied for renewal it’s been 5 and half months I noticed on my e safe account there is I-212 application showing expiring end of this month what...
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Border process question
At the border, after they verify your paper and take your figuerprint, do we get some sort of a confirmation from them?
1 reply
Does a Canadian citizen with a US waiver need to download the CBP ONE app and apply for the I94? First time trying to cross the border by land. Am driving to the Rainbow bridge and i dont want to...
1 reply
It's been over 1 year since entering USA with I-194 waiver
Hi, It's been over 1 year since I've crossed the boarder with I-194 waiver. My waiver doesn't expire until 2028. I have an upcoming vacation in May 2024. - Do I need to redo biometrics/interview...
3 replies
Us waiver
Submitted my waiver in 2019 still getting same email from ARO 1. This application is on file with the CBP Admissibility Review Office (ARO). It is currently pending further review. Due to the...
Address Change after submitting US Waiver?
I just recently submitted my US waiver application but in about 3 months my address will change since I am moving. Has anyone changed their address while waiting for your waiver? What are the...
6 replies
If you have a 1 year waiver, and even if you JUST got it, apply again right at the end of March. Why? -Your fingerprints should still be valid (15 months from the date on the front page) -You...
J Rogers
4 replies

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Welcome to the I‑194 Waiver Forum

A discussion forum for any Canadian who has been denied entry into the United States because of criminal record, having overstayed a previous visit to the U.S., an infectious disease, or other reason. Applying for and receiving a US entry waiver is a simple process that you can complete yourself. It requires documentation, fingerprints, completion of the I-192 waiver application form and an interview at a pre-clearance or US border facility. Current filing fees are $585 / $930 US. This US I-194 waiver is typically granted for temporary visits to the USA for between 1-5 years (5 years is the maximum).

Update: As of Mid-2019 you can file and pay Form I-192 application online using the Electronic Secured Adjudication Forms Environment (e-SAFE).

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