Welcome to the new i-194 Waiver Forum
We wanted to take a moment to welcome everyone to our new forum. New here? Take a moment and start with the About section at the top of this page. Already a forum member? We know that the switch...
26 replies
Travel Information
Hello, First time waiver for me and my question is about the travel information on the form. Do I need to know where and when I plan to travel to? Just looking of having waiver done in advance of...
20 replies
Because MANY people log on here to see timelines, not discussions, lets keep THIS thread ONLY for timelines. Then people don;t have to sift through to find out how long they are taking. I was...
J Rogers
5 replies
Contact Information - John Rogers
I don't want to clog up topics ongoing, so I will post my information here. John Rogers Pardon and Waiver Experts 96 Kennedy Road South Suite 201 Brampton On 905-459-9669 cell...
J Rogers
2 replies
Alien registration number
I’m filling out the I-192 application form to renew my waiver and under Part 2 Q4 it asks for an alien registration number (A-Number). Do I enter the number that shows on my waiver since it...
1 reply
Fingerprints and Form C216C
Hello, I'm applying for my 3rd I-192 waiver on my own, first one I was granted 1 year, 2nd one was 5 year...both successful. I just have a couple questions if anyone can help? First I was digitally...
3 replies
Learn How to Do Your Own US Entry Waiver – Free, No-Cost Guidance for Minor Issues!
Are you dealing with a minor US entry waiver issue such as possession of a joint, car theft, or another small offense? You don’t need to pay a lawyer or a discount waiver company for help. Join...
K Scott
1 reply
e-safe to login.gov question
Greetings, I hope this is the right place to post this. I had filed through e-safe earlier this year, and for various reasons, I could not make it for my biometrics. Now, that e-safe seems to...
2 replies
Question about record suspensions
Anyone know how long a record suspension is taking? Anyone applied? How long was it?
34 replies
US Entry Waiver Denied
I think that this topic will take on greater importance the closer that CBP gets to accepting waiver packets. I really want John & Michelle’s help in this room since Covid has caused a number...
9 replies
Hello guys! Any approved waiver from April 2024 ? I applied in first week of April 2024 and if has touched 10 months today and counting :(
Waivers and Trump - as of January 27 2025
Unlike people who are trying to use scare tactics vis the Trump Presidency to panic people into applying/not applying, I am starting this thread to keep you all informed of what I am SEEING from...
J Rogers
6 replies
How are border crossings going with waivers
I have a few trips planned through US in next few months and wondering how people are getting along crossing through since the recent political changes.....I am on my 4th waiver ( current is 5 year...
I'll be travelling by air to the US for the first time this week (only done land crossing before), and will go through customs in vancouver airport and was wondering if I can use the MPC app and...
3 replies
TN Visa with I-192 waiver appoved visitor for business and pleasure (B1/B2)?
Would I be able to apply for a TN visa if I have an approved waiver for visitor for business and pleasure (B1/B2) ? Or do I need to apply for a new waiver and mention B1/B3 and TN visa? Thanks.
1 reply
First Time Crossing - What to expect from customs!
I crossed for my first time to the US this weekend after being granted a waiver. 1) You will go to secondary inspection. You will be questioned and fingerprinted. Nothing you do will change this...
Bob Jerkins
3 replies

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Welcome to the I‑194 Waiver Forum

A discussion forum for any Canadian who has been denied entry into the United States because of criminal record, having overstayed a previous visit to the U.S., an infectious disease, or other reason. Applying for and receiving a US entry waiver is a simple process that you can complete yourself. It requires documentation, fingerprints, completion of the I-192 waiver application form and an interview at a pre-clearance or US border facility. Current filing fees are $585 / $930 US. This US I-194 waiver is typically granted for temporary visits to the USA for between 1-5 years (5 years is the maximum).

Update: As of Mid-2019 you can file and pay Form I-192 application online using the Electronic Secured Adjudication Forms Environment (e-SAFE).

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