Handing in Waivers -Quarantine and timelines - Post here

J Rogersposted 3 years ago

Post real application stories here. Not "A guy told me" or "a few of my clients" but specific client experiences so others can see accurately what is happening.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on December 8, 2021 @ 5:00 pm ]

There are rare exceptions, but whether you file a waiver, or a waiver AND an I-212 you simply get a waiver in return. That's why I tell clients to wait. Its an extra $930USD for the exact same waiver.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on December 8, 2021 @ 5:01 pm ]

Sorry, that was meant for the response below

[ J Rogers appended this reply on April 28, 2022 @ 1:52 pm ]

Client #2 entered the United States illegally in 2010.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on January 26, 2024 @ 11:29 am ]

Sorry June 14th, not 16th.

Replies (recent first):

5 year waiver - reapplication. 95 days.

He has a Theft Over $50 in 1971. That is It. (has has a pardon as well)

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Status History (5)
9/19/2022, 08:30 AM EDT : Status changed to Completed
6/14/2022, 11:00 AM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
6/6/2022, 02:27 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
6/6/2022, 02:26 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
6/2/2022, 03:29 PM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #356

@SouthernBBQ Forget about speed up, I will be very thankful if they consistently and reliably maintain this speed of 14/15 weeks + few days or within 16 weeks from the date it is submitted at the border.

What is more important for me is to get it and get a 5-year kind of waiver so that I don't have to reapply for some time.

Basically, if we can reliably predict that it will come within 100+ days, we can prepare our travel date or move date based on that.

skumar replied 1 year ago   #355


I do. But it is purely speculation.

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #354

@J Rogers do you expect the pace to pickup in their processing?

SouthernBBQ replied 1 year ago   #353

2 people who did re-applications. Both started with 1 year waivers through eSAFE. One got a 3 and one got another 1 year. In both cases, I was surprised they didn't get 5's. Both applied right away, so not sure why, but since Homeland Security doesn't explain when they grant the waiver, I am not sure what the justification for these were. The 3 year waiver had a conviction form 2016 but the guy with the second 1 year has not been convicted since 2011. Inconsistent to say the least.


9/22/2022, 08:05 AM EDT : Status changed to Completed
6/13/2022, 10:30 AM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
6/8/2022, 04:26 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
6/8/2022, 04:21 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
5/24/2022, 09:47 AM EDT : Application Created

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ARO Decision
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Status History (5)
9/26/2022, 01:00 PM EDT : Status changed to Completed
6/16/2022, 01:00 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
6/9/2022, 03:51 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
6/9/2022, 03:46 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
6/8/2022, 01:25 PM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #352


This was his first waiver.

No criminal record, they wanted immigration documents showing when he entered Canada and also questioned him about something in Ohio, which he denied knowledge of.

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #351

but still don't want to omit pertinent info

casper replied 1 year ago   #350

@casper how did you conclude that this is the clients 7th waiver? I’ll assume you’re looking at “history (7)” in the information posted? I think it’s safe to say that there were 7 status updates on this particular waiver application and not the amount of waivers the client has had.

Marsha replied 1 year ago   #349

@John rogers
just curious about the request for more information.
if this is the client's 7th waiver, what more info do they need

casper replied 1 year ago   #348

5 year Waiver
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Status History (7)
9/23/2022, 07:30 AM EDT : Status changed to Completed
9/21/2022, 02:02 PM EDT : Status changed to Request for More Information Response
9/9/2022, 04:00 PM EDT : Status changed to Request for More Information
5/25/2022, 05:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
4/14/2022, 03:21 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
4/14/2022, 03:17 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
4/14/2022, 10:14 AM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #347

@J Rogers So many good news at once. Thanks for sharing.
I was getting worried that we did not hear anything yesterday and today until morning.

@Muna, if you extrapolate the most recent waiver results, the 16th June submission led to 21st of September and 17th June submission led to 22nd of September. So, I would image 23rd June should lead to 29th or 30th of September. So, you should expect something by the end of next week.

skumar replied 1 year ago   #346


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9/19/2022, 11:30 AM EDT : Status changed to Completed
6/13/2022, 02:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
6/3/2022, 02:59 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
6/3/2022, 02:54 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
5/2/2022, 03:05 PM EDT : Application Created

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Status History (5)
9/22/2022, 11:00 AM EDT : Status changed to Completed
6/17/2022, 11:30 AM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
6/15/2022, 03:07 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
6/15/2022, 02:53 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
6/15/2022, 01:28 PM EDT : Application Created

5 year waiver
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9/21/2022, 11:30 AM EDT : Status changed to Completed
6/16/2022, 11:30 AM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
6/13/2022, 09:49 AM EDT : Status changed to Paid
6/13/2022, 09:48 AM EDT : Status changed to Signed
3/28/2022, 01:33 PM EDT : Application Created


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Status History (5)
9/22/2022, 12:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Completed
6/17/2022, 12:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
5/18/2022, 09:08 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
5/18/2022, 09:07 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
5/4/2022, 04:17 PM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #345

@Muna how would he know exactly! He doesn’t work for ARO. People here are going by timelines posted by others including John so pushing the same question isn’t necessarily going to get you the answer you’re looking for.

Tiffany replied 1 year ago   #344

@J Rogers How long to get answer I went to the border on June 23

Muna replied 1 year ago   #343

5 year waiver - re-application. He had a 1 before.
Just a note, he did not really go to the border on June 27th. He went 2 weeks before but for some reason they never sent him an email until 2 weeks later.
Also not he got this in the 17th, 3 days ago.

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Status History (5)
9/17/2022, 11:49 PM EDT : Status changed to Completed
6/27/2022, 06:00 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
5/11/2022, 08:26 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
5/11/2022, 08:25 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
4/19/2022, 09:31 AM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #342

How long to get answer I went to the border on June 23

Muna replied 1 year ago   #341

She was stopped in 2018 accused of prostitution

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Status History (5)
9/19/2022, 11:30 AM EDT : Status changed to Completed
6/13/2022, 02:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
6/3/2022, 02:59 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
6/3/2022, 02:54 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
5/2/2022, 03:05 PM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #340

Submitted to ARO 6/3/2022
Status changed to Completed 9/14/2022

5 year granted, same as the last 6 waivers submitted.

MichelleB replied 1 year ago   #339

This isn't going to be useful for normal timelines, but it is good news. This was a client who tried to get asylum in 2011. He left right away and came to Canada. So.....September Letter. He will never need to apply again.

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Status History (7)
9/14/2022, 03:01 PM EDT : Status changed to Completed
9/9/2022, 01:42 PM EDT : Status changed to Request for More Information Response
9/7/2022, 03:00 PM EDT : Status changed to Request for More Information
5/24/2022, 03:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
5/18/2022, 08:39 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
5/18/2022, 08:37 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
5/5/2022, 01:33 PM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #338

@J Rogers great news all around!

Marsha replied 1 year ago   #337

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