Handing in Waivers -Quarantine and timelines - Post here

J Rogersposted 2 years ago

Post real application stories here. Not "A guy told me" or "a few of my clients" but specific client experiences so others can see accurately what is happening.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on December 8, 2021 @ 5:00 pm ]

There are rare exceptions, but whether you file a waiver, or a waiver AND an I-212 you simply get a waiver in return. That's why I tell clients to wait. Its an extra $930USD for the exact same waiver.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on December 8, 2021 @ 5:01 pm ]

Sorry, that was meant for the response below

[ J Rogers appended this reply on April 28, 2022 @ 1:52 pm ]

Client #2 entered the United States illegally in 2010.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on January 26, 2024 @ 11:29 am ]

Sorry June 14th, not 16th.

Replies (recent first):

@JerryT ok. Hopefully we both hear back from them soon.

SarahB replied 1 year ago   #532

I did not request for an update. Im not really in a rush anymore. I'd be happy if I get approved in the middle of this year.

PatientlyWaiting416 replied 1 year ago   #531

@SarahB I also had my application uploaded to the ARO on Aug 31 and have not received any further info. Thios would be for my 4th Approval (have
had 1 - 1yr and 2 - 5yr waivers). Impatiently Waiting...

JerryT replied 1 year ago   #530

@J Rogers Not a single waiver approved this week? I’ve been waiting since August 31st

SarahB replied 1 year ago   #529

@J Rogers yes I understand. It all boils down to if a person without the so called slam dunk case, wants an opportunity to travel to the US they submit their application and hope they are approved.

Tiffany replied 1 year ago   #528

If they say "no" then they do. They want to make the decision hard to appeal.

Remember, when they decide "no" then they bolster that by adding up as many factors as they can to justify the decision.

In reality it is not ALWAYS a factor.

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #527

@J Rogers I tell you reading everything on here has really helped me put much into perspective. On the sentencing question asked earlier do they add the probation with whatever sentence a person gets as an overall sentence?

Tiffany replied 1 year ago   #526


Difficult, not impossible. The circumstances matter as well. If I pull out a pocket knife and say "give me your iphone" that is armed robbery. Much different than taking a gun into a bank. I would say 2012 armed robbery, 2 year sentence, that is "likely" a 1 year waiver IF the personal letter was done properly. 5 year less likely, also a possible "no".

J Rogers replied 1 year ago   #525

@DT that’s an interesting question. I have the same sentence and that would be a bummer if this is what it’s considered since I have seen here that it’s difficult to get a waiver if you are sentenced to more than 3 years.

Tiffany replied 1 year ago   #524

@J Rogers is it difficult to get a waiver for armed robbery? I’m just following up on this tread and a bit curious since I’m sure I’ve seen you posted waivers for clients convicted of armed robbery. Also is 2 years less a day and 2 year’s probation considered a four year sentence?

DT replied 1 year ago   #523

@PatientlyWaiting416 have you not asked for an update?

Tiffany replied 1 year ago   #522

No update from me yet . just says Submitted to ARO APRIL 29 2022..

my convictions are from 2012.. but remember my conviction is for armed roberry. so that could be why.

Either way i hope I get it this year

PatientlyWaiting416 replied 1 year ago   #521

@purple panda well congratulations! That seems like a longer than normal time to be granted a waiver. May I ask why he needed a waiver?

Magnus replied 1 year ago   #520

It appears that they are working on the waivers again.
My spouse’s first application was submitted to ARO on 30.08.2022, and the status changed to complete today (29.12.2022), for a total of 121 days.
5 year waiver granted!

purple panda replied 1 year ago   #519

I’m curious as to what’s on his RCMP report. I have a fraud over and I’m so afraid to apply because of unpaid restitution

DT replied 1 year ago   #518

@neats47 oh ok. I’m sure you’ll hear from them soon. They’re probably working but a lot of days are considered federal holidays until January 3rd so let’s hope it comes through soon.

DT replied 1 year ago   #517

@dt they wanted a court copy of his court case. Couldn’t get it because it was 30 years old.

neats47 replied 1 year ago   #516

@neats47 really? What information did they require? I’ve seen post from John where they requested more information and was completed a day or so later.

DT replied 1 year ago   #515

This might sound like a silly question, but are they working over the holidays? Are they working on the waivers? My husband had a “request for more information” that we sent back on December 5….and so far nothing.

neats47 replied 1 year ago   #514

@J Rogers. You sir are an idiot. Liberals MUST GO

FuckLiberals replied 1 year ago   #513

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