Handing in Waivers -Quarantine and timelines - Post here

J Rogersposted 3 years ago

Post real application stories here. Not "A guy told me" or "a few of my clients" but specific client experiences so others can see accurately what is happening.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on December 8, 2021 @ 5:00 pm ]

There are rare exceptions, but whether you file a waiver, or a waiver AND an I-212 you simply get a waiver in return. That's why I tell clients to wait. Its an extra $930USD for the exact same waiver.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on December 8, 2021 @ 5:01 pm ]

Sorry, that was meant for the response below

[ J Rogers appended this reply on April 28, 2022 @ 1:52 pm ]

Client #2 entered the United States illegally in 2010.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on January 26, 2024 @ 11:29 am ]

Sorry June 14th, not 16th.

Replies (recent first):

I am posting this one because it is a 5 year waiver, first time applicant, but look at the timeline. Almost a full month. It could be that timelines are increasing a bit.

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10/13/2021, 11:07 AM EDT : Status changed to Signed
8/23/2021, 02:53 PM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #100

Update: Alberta people: Sweet Grass is the only POE that is doing Bio-metrics for Waivers. You need to call ahead and book an appointment. I have been advised that they are booking into last week of December - beginning of January.

Michelle replied 2 years ago   #99

How do I rectify a mistake made in a waiver form already filed? any thoughts

MyWaiver replied 2 years ago   #98

A waiver that was granted Friday. A reapplication, 5 years, and the record is very old. The client is a nurse. 21 days from fingerprints. Very typical.

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10/18/2021, 09:51 AM EDT : Status changed to Signed
10/14/2021, 04:11 PM EDT : Application Created
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J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #97


I agree with everything you have said here. We are also raising our prices in January, we haven't made the final decision on which services and by how much. Right now we are hiring another person, this times we are going for a paralegal. We want to do our own notarization, and look to expand what we offer in terms of services, like name changes, divorces etc. We spent many years worried about expanding, but now we are always busy with something, so its time to grow our staff. Hiring new people is stressful!!!

Anyone out west, especially in the Prairie Provinces, Michelle should be the person you talk to for Waivers.

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #96

Sorry, have not been on here much, I filed 10 e-safe files last week and will be more specific on timelines once my clients go to Portal, ND and Sweet Grass, MT. These are the 2 ports that I am dealing with (Portal for Saskatchewan) and (Sweet Grass for Alberta), both require client to call ahead and book appointments for the bio metrics. I will be more specific on time lines once I receive updates. So far, I really like e-safe, there have been some learning curves for me, and definitely some changes are required in my office and my procedures, but all for the good and more easy for clients. @John, I don't know about you, but I do find e-safe is more work for us as a service provider, and therefore, I am raising my fees for waivers in January. Anyone, wishing to hire me, should be aware, that effective January 2022, my waiver fee will increase to $800 + GST from the current $700 it is now. I have not done a fee increase in 3 years, so it is time. I will also be implementing a $125 minimum fee for consultation or instructions on how to do a waiver if you call me. I have received a considerable amount of calls from this forum and have provided extensive free service such as advise on process, reviewed paperwork for free, which I don't mind, however, I am getting more busy and don't have time anymore. I do thank everyone who has contacted me and if you need immediate assistant please email me at info@fingerprintpardon.com

MIchelle replied 2 years ago   #95

@wishbone, my apologies, I am just reading your message now, did you attend Customs yet? I believe that Sweet Grass is the only port you can go to right now in Alberta. Which port did you put on your I-192 e-safe file?

Michelle replied 2 years ago   #94

Did esafe application April 25
Went for biometrics Nov 4 /21 at Peace Arch BC
Received 5 year waiver today Nov 18/21

Gerry65 replied 2 years ago   #93

@J Rogers I submitted my documents on esafe Oct 22... didnt go to border until Nov 2nd, was at border to do biometrics and DNA for about 45 mins... they gave me a paper to return into Canada with no PCR test, and about 2 hrs later received an email saying ARO received my submission... and 13 days later, received my 5 yr waiver this morning!!!!
So happy!!!

Terri replied 2 years ago   #92

Something a little different to give people a different perspective.

Both these clients are first time clients, and both were asked to provide "additional documentation" in these cases, court documents.

I knew both would get a waiver, I was not certain if it would be a 5 year, or a 1 year. In both cases, they got a 1 year waiver. Note that in one case, it took over a month to get the documents, and in the other, it only took 6 days. As you can see, after giving Homeland Security the documents, it took 6 days and 10 days for a final decision.

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10/21/2021, 03:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
10/19/2021, 04:10 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
10/19/2021, 04:08 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
9/23/2021, 02:46 PM EDT : Application Created

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8/11/2021, 02:00 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
7/29/2021, 09:56 AM EDT : Status changed to Paid
7/29/2021, 09:53 AM EDT : Status changed to Signed
7/22/2021, 03:56 PM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #91

Here is a typical one we are seeing these days, I don't want to post TOO many, but this gives you the idea. 5 year waiver. This one was 16 days since he went to Niagara Falls for fingerprints. This is a little faster than average, i find most of them are about 20 days.

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11/10/2021, 08:00 AM EST : Status changed to Completed
10/26/2021, 07:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
10/20/2021, 04:08 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
10/20/2021, 04:06 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
8/5/2021, 11:08 AM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #90

So I had my esafe application all done on Oct 14th.. submitted it and received an email from ARO that it was submitted and paid and to go to the border to do my biometrics , I went to the border on Niv 2nd. You must download your esafe application and print it and take that with all your court documents , criminal record check, past waivers, pardon ( if you have one) and any letters.
I didnt need an appointment, I just went down.. it takes about an hour, I went to Peace Arch, they look over your application, confirm all documentation you have, take your fingerprints, picture and do DNA swabs, and they will give you a special paper to give to the Canadian border when going back that you only went in to do your biometrics ( so you dont need a PCR test!!!)
An email came right away from ARO that now they are reviewing it!
I am waiting on an answer and as soon as I get it I will post it!!!

Terri replied 2 years ago   #89

@John. Yeah process was pretty easy. At first one guy told me my court documents has to be original but they’re a true certified copy and supervisor said no, copy is fine and told me I had all my documents very well done and in the correct order. They like them like u upload them on esafe. Cbsa guy was an older gentlemen. Didn’t want to see my ArriveCAN receipt but did want to see my covid test. I’m lucky my sister is a nurse and got me the test for free I did hear today that Ottawa is looking into the requirements again for people under 48 hrs. Let’s hope so cause going down for 3 hrs to shop and get a test -ridiculous

Gerry65 replied 2 years ago   #88

@michelle. CBP told
Me new procedure for anyone applying for I-192. I don’t like the idea my dna floating around but oh well. And it was the supervisor at peace arch so I think he should know his stuff

Gerry65 replied 2 years ago   #87

Are some getting asked for a DNA sample because they have a criminal record? If you have just an immigration violation like solely an overstay, for example, are they asking for the DNA sample?

Magnus replied 2 years ago   #86

Hopefully Michelle can help me with her expertise in western Canada.
I'm located in Grand Prairie and just submitted my e-safe documents and wonder where I can go to get the US fingerprinting done.
Do I have to go the US border.?

wishbone replied 2 years ago   #85


I have had mixed messages. Some clients are getting DNA, some are not. Some aren't even being fingerprinted. Bizarre.

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #84

This is to illustrate how fast the response CAN be.

I submitted 3 responses yesterday. One came back ALREADY. They asked for court documents, for convictions that did NOT appear on CPIC. I assume they were discharges. His result? 5 year waiver. Gun charge in 2011.

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11/4/2021, 03:00 PM EDT : Status changed to Completed
11/4/2021, 10:45 AM EDT : Status changed to Request for More Information Response
10/5/2021, 05:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Request for More Information
9/13/2021, 05:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
9/9/2021, 03:51 PM EDT : Status changed to Paid
9/9/2021, 03:50 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
8/31/2021, 02:57 PM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #83

@Gerry 65, DNA Swab? Really, why did they do this? John, is this common for your clients?

Michelle replied 2 years ago   #82


Thank you for the update and the first hand account.

So although Ontario doesn't seem to be asking for a test, Peace Arch clients may want to be ready with one.

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #81

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