Handing in Waivers -Quarantine and timelines - Post here

J Rogersposted 3 years ago

Post real application stories here. Not "A guy told me" or "a few of my clients" but specific client experiences so others can see accurately what is happening.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on December 8, 2021 @ 5:00 pm ]

There are rare exceptions, but whether you file a waiver, or a waiver AND an I-212 you simply get a waiver in return. That's why I tell clients to wait. Its an extra $930USD for the exact same waiver.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on December 8, 2021 @ 5:01 pm ]

Sorry, that was meant for the response below

[ J Rogers appended this reply on April 28, 2022 @ 1:52 pm ]

Client #2 entered the United States illegally in 2010.

[ J Rogers appended this reply on January 26, 2024 @ 11:29 am ]

Sorry June 14th, not 16th.

Replies (recent first):

May I ask why you need a waiver?

Magnus replied 2 years ago   #176

This is my 3rd time applying, the first time by mail which was declined back in 2017 IIRC, this is my 2nd esafe application.

I went down to Blaine yesterday to show my paperwork and do the biometrics for my esafe application.

The US Customs guys at the booth and in secondary were very stern and serious, remember I'm there voluntarily, and I know I'm not crossing the border, but they treated me like I've done something wrong, 3 officers searched my car for 30 minutes while I was inside. Maybe it was a slow day and they were training new people.

The guys inside were awesome and even though they had trouble with the computers so it took about 45 minutes to finish up the process they were reasonably friendly and personable.

They did discuss whether I needed to provide a DNA sample, but it was decided that I did not.

When I came back to the Canadian border and was asked for my Arrivcan application, I was a bit surprised as I didn't realize I needed one as I was technically not out of the country, but I did, so I had the guy in the booth show me how to upload the app on my phone and then went inside to get more help completing the form.
There were questions about a recent Covid test and because I answered NO to that question it required me to provide all the info where I would quarantine for 14 days, they told me to fill it all in but I was exempt from the actual quarantine, so that was a bit of a scare.

Hope this info helps others going down while the Covid restrictions are in place, BTW no mandatory masks in WA so none of the border people were wearing masks.


Kiwi replied 2 years ago   #175

Hi all, approved for 2 years. I have a 10 year ban that has less than 2 years left, so 2 years fully covers this. This is a 3rd waiver.

Did biometrics at Rainbow bridge.

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1/25/2022, 11:29 AM EST : Application Created

Danielle11 replied 2 years ago   #174

Here are some recent ones. I wanted to post yesterday but I wanted everyone to see Michelle's post so I waited.
Some highlights
-2 instances where they made them do I-212's and ONE of them resulted in a September Letter.
-Some of these are quite fast, it seems that re-applications are sometimes coming in 2 weeks.
-I also have a few waivers that are taking much longer. So if your waiver isn't as fast as these, do not panic.

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****SEPTEMBER LETTER**** below

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J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #173


Jim, I had the same treatment a few years back, that sucks as they don't need to be such a-holes.

I'm going down to Blaine in a few days to do my biometerics for the esafe application, hopefully there is no repeat of what you received.


Kiwi replied 2 years ago   #172

I went today to Peace arch. No wait at the border, went in and showed documents (for e-safe), got prints and photo done. Headed back into Canada. The border officer asked me why I was rejected years ago into the US and I told him, Got sent into secondary where the officer asked about my (10 year old charges) which he would already have known and I had to tell him infront of everyone. They searched my car and wasted about 40 minutes after crossing into secondary. What a bunch of assholes. The US cbp were not assholes nor tried to humiliate me. Didn't have to quarantine and they asked how long i was there inside and I said just 15 minutes ish to drop off forms.

Jim replied 2 years ago   #171

This might be the exception, but look at the timeline. Only 12 days from being at the border. I need more to be like this before I start saying the timeline changed, since most are 30 days from being at the border.
-3rd waiver, all 5 years
-1992 Bribery of Agent
-Has a pardon

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1/27/2022, 04:28 PM EST : Status changed to Signed
1/26/2022, 01:59 PM EST : Application Created

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #170

Recently I had 2 clients get a September Letter. One was pretty fast, and one was slow.

In one case, the fast one was part of a Bike Gang, had charges but no convictions. The other one was a lady, denied entry while up on charges, but the charges were withdrawn.

In both cases, they were denied entry, but before they applied, both talked to the border and were told they needed to apply for the waiver.

So to reiterate, this isn't something that I "manufactured". The September Letters happened because the circumstances were right, and we simply made sure the application gave them a chance to get the September Letter. I am sure Michelle would have gotten the same result.


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7/30/2021, 10:30 AM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
6/23/2021, 10:00 AM EDT : Status changed to Paid
6/22/2021, 05:27 PM EDT : Status changed to Signed
6/22/2021, 04:40 PM EDT : Application Created

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #169

Approved, 13 days from reporting at the border.

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1/18/2022, 10:29 AM PST : Application Created

7th consecutive waiver (3rd 5 year).

Reported to Peace Arch (Blaine), for documents verification. No fingerprints nor DNA sample taken.

And, as others here have posted. The US agent gave me a form to present Canada Border Services indicating I did not enter the US. This addressed the current return to Canada requirement for a negative covid test. The CBSA agent did ask to see proof of vaccination.

MUCH THANKS (again) to those continually posting helpful information on this forum, the moderators, and admin/owner.

k604 replied 2 years ago   #168

Most Recent 4, note one is a September Letter, so it took much longer than the others.

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J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #167


I am finding 28-35 days is the "normal" time. Of course there are always applications that fall outside that.

Some of the most recent results may be "skewed" by Christmas, but if you look at some of the ones i posted recently, you will see they are generally consistent.

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #166

@J Rogers I don’t understand why some take 40 days plus and some take 25 days. Does it depend on the officer who is working on that application? I thought it’s same process that they follow to approve.

Random replied 2 years ago   #165

Five recent ones. I am noticing a slight uptick in 1 year waivers, (rather than 5 years) could be a trend, could be a blip, could be a fluke. I am talking about first time applicants only.

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J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #164

@Denis 9981 I think you have done everything possible, you now just have to wait. And yes, I have seen this before. Unfortunately, there is no other recourse. The waiver will come.

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #163

@J Rogers

I've been posting for a while now on both the status of my I-192 and 1-212 applications. They came back on Nov 22 and requested additional information.

A few weeks back I emailed them to confirm that my additional information was received, and they replied confirming that they did receive my documents and that my application was pending further review.

Having still not received a response since that time, yesterday I emailed them again asking if they could provide a more specific status update.

This morning they replied as follows:
Your application is on file with the Admissibility Review Office. It is pending results of necessary secondary security checks."

What do you make of this? Have you ever received such a response? Six years ago on this forum somebody posted about this, but there was never any follow through.

Any input would be appreciated.


Denis 9981 replied 2 years ago   #162

Hi, Now that I am done stressing over E-safe again. Here are some file updates. I will not be posting anymore of these, as John has shown in many examples that E-safe is much more efficient then the old paper way.

12/24/21 - application created - changed to signed, changed to paid.
01/05/22 - Submitted to ARO - from Portal, ND POE
01/21/22 - Completed - 5 year waiver (2nd time)

12/22/21 - application created - signed - paid
12/23/21 - submitted to ARO - from Portal, ND POE
01/21/22 - Completed - 5 year waiver (3rd time)

Michelle replied 2 years ago   #161

5 RECENT ONES THIS WEEK. 28-35 days from time at the border.

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J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #160

This is actually just 3 clients, the bottom 2 files are the same client, who was asked to do an additional I-212. Its interesting because it shows they keep the applications separate, for example, technically the I-212 was granted separately and THEN the Waiver was granted. The I_212 "decision" is just a one page letter with a box checked off, the waiver "decision" is actually the waiver.

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12/21/2021, 03:06 PM EST : Status changed to Signed
12/16/2021, 01:25 PM EST : Application Created

J Rogers replied 2 years ago   #159

I see it between 30 to 40 days for renewals or straight forward cases

Random replied 2 years ago   #158

Waiver updates from Saskatchewan: Timelines are at 60 days for most of my waivers. Could be the volume of E-safe applications? Just an update. Thanks!

Michelle replied 2 years ago   #157

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