Port Parole Attempt - Some info.

J Rogersposted 3 years ago

A client asked to attempt a Port Parole. We were pretty sure it would fail, but he wanted to try anyways. Circumstances were not very strong, but here is at least some insight into the answer when they refuse. I have obviously deleted the names.

Good Morning,

As you are aware, the Canadian/U.S. land border has been closed to all non-essential travel. The guidelines outlining essential vs non-essential travel have already been established by the Federal Governments of both countries. Unfortunately, the purpose of _____ trip to the U.S., to visit family and friends, has been deemed to be non-essential.

Also, CBP guidelines for issuing humanitarian paroles have recently changed and only allow for paroles to be issued to attend funerals or seek medical treatment. _______ will need to wait until the land border re-opens before he can complete his waiver application and be admitted to the U.S.

Thank you,
Buffalo Parole Request
Port of Buffalo, NY

[ J Rogers appended this reply on March 26, 2021 @ 9:18 am ]

I am shocked that you thought they don't do emails, when this beginning of this thread is an actual email response from Homeland Security. I literally cut and pasted what they emailed.

Replies (recent first):

Is this still the email they use for port parole in Buffalo, BuffaloUSMCA@cbp.dhs.gov?

CHRIS11 replied 7 months ago   #21

@DilWait Technically no. In reality? It depends on the officer.

J Rogers replied 8 months ago   #20

@J Rogers my husband applied on June 21 2023, still waiting to hear. He has already had a five year waiver so basically waiting on a renewal nothing has changed since his first five year waiver. My kids are racing this weekend in the states and would really like their dad to attend, do you think if he went to the border with previous waiver etc he would stand a chance on getting in for 4 days?

[ DilWait appended this reply on January 9, 2024 @ 3:49 pm ]

he was chareged with marijuana charge in 2006

DilWait replied 8 months ago   #19

@Joshua S Pearson Airport is Terrible for Port Paroles.

I am worried that you don't have your waiver yet, and it was handed in April....that means it went to a Supervisor and there is a chance they might say no.

"Prowl by night in 2015" would have to be handled REALLY carefully in your letter.

If it was me, I would approach Niagara Falls with all your documents and beg them to let you cross, then fly from Buffalo. Pearson Airport seems to be tough to get a Port Parole from. The other complication is they might not grant you a Port Parole if they think you may not be granted a waiver at all.

Are you in control of the eSAFE or is the company?

J Rogers replied 8 months ago   #18

I currently have a waiver pending and work for an American insurance company. I am supposed to have already boarded and left and this was for me to go for the official opening of a satellite office i am the MGA (Managing General Agent) running this new office with a team of agents who are US citizens that work under me. My waiver was started in November after a trip to Dallas was refused due to criminal inadmissibility for charges from 2013 for possession of marijuana and failure to comply for missing a fingerprinting date, and then a theft under which was withdrawn and a prowl by night charge which was convicted a couple of years after that. I have moved my flight to Tuesday afternoon hopeful that the waiver will be approved Monday, or Tuesday morning but I do want to know who to call about port parole since if I do not make it, they will have to reassign this office to another MGA if possible on short notice, OR outright cancel its opening completely. The executives have sent me emails with letters to use to assist and my character references in the waiver application and my statement are quite compelling according to a lawyer I had read them over before filing on ESAFE. Biometrics were done Monday April 25th, 2022 at Rainbow Bridge, and I am supposed to fly from Toronto. How should I go about pleading for port parole and what is the best way to go about this.

If I do not end up being able to attend 1) I would not have the income coming in to support my family that I have had the last couple of years as I've worked with opening and launching numerous offices for the company since starting there just a few years ago, and
2) my non-resident state life license with the Insurance Council for Nevada was due to expire Jan 1 and they've allowed an extension on this for me due to COVID delays etc while I figure out how I can attend my meeting to renew the license to conduct business and employ the US citizens I currently have employed, and they are not willing to keep waiting.

With both of these reasons what can anyone suggest would be a good course of action for Port Parole to be hopefully considered emergency port parole for just a short number of days (until Sunday 05/07/2022 and it is now 05/01/2022). I am very angry that the company I hired to help with my waiver advised us that the 1st of January the waiver would be in by and we hadn't even received court documents yet at that point which were only 3-4 pages in length but took time to receive. Can I arrive at the airport in Toronto with all my pending waiver documents and letters basically begging from the CEO and agency owner to allow me entry for the purpose of this business trip. I'll be out the majority of my income and the business I've been working to build and develop these agents would be given to someone else otherwise therefore causing me significant hardship as well as the US citizens that work under me, and the fact that I am supposed to be the main speaker at the launch meeting for this office with senior staff from different labor boards that need to hear what we can offer their union members and to sign contracts with us hopefully by the end of it. Without me there...simply put...would be next to impossible to pick someone and prep them/train them on everything with 1 day to spare. Any help would be appreciated or contact info for who I should go to for assistance before just attending the airport or doing nothing and loosing everything.
Thanks in advance

Joshua S replied 2 years ago   #17

Port Paroles are done via email. There is NO chance of them receiving a ban. I have no idea why you think it could end in calamity.

Your asking in ADVANCE if you can travel for an emergency. Your not showing up at the border.

This makes you look very uninformed, because obviously you aren't applying for these. The worst result is what i posted. A simple "no".

J Rogers replied 3 years ago   #16

Hey man, why do you have this thing about port paroles? You are risking these people getting a 5-year ban if they are not careful. Anyway, you can say what you want...They will find out when they get a 5-year ban. Anyway, are you just trying to get them to receive the bans so they will generate business for you? If so, this is a very wrong thing to do. CBP is extremely strict on port paroles and they are only given out under certain strict conditions.

Ken Scott
Senior U.S. Immigration Law Intelligence Analyst
888 908-3841
604 332-9213

K SCOTT replied 3 years ago   #15


We do on average a Port Parole every two weeks. I only do them through "Buffalo" and i can assure you, they are all email. The approval is given usually verbally over the phone. The person comes to the border when they travel, pay a small fee and are allowed entry.

I have never sent anyone to the border to do it in person without prior approval. Recently, people are now getting an email when it is a "no", not a phone call. This thread has the email they sent, cut and pasted at the top. When it is approved, they are getting a phone call. Don't forget, the request and documents are all being sent for review before they approve it, and many of these applications are people who have waivers (Not all) or had waivers pending.

I'm shocked you don't know of this. Obviously you have never done one recently through Ontario. I have not done one through BC in over 3 years.

J Rogers replied 3 years ago   #14

Ok now I know this is BS since CBP cannot adjudicate a parole application without actually physically inspecting the individual at the border. Yes, anyone can call or email to get an "opinion" regarding if an individual could be paroled into the USA. It is the general policy of CBP to not make a parole decision regarding entry without actually speaking/physically inspecting the person. His lawyer may possibly get a preapproval of entry on a client.

However, the supervisor has the final authority as to whether the person can gain entry. Again, it was hard to get paroles before Covid since CBP generally does not like to parole unless it is for an extremely urgent reason. I have the parole criteria that they use in deciding if they will grant a parole or not. People need to shy away from these paroles for the moment under this Covid epidemic. I know each case is different but they must also try to get the border crossing work done in a timely fashion if possible.

Ken Scott
Senior U.S. Immigration Law Intelligence Analyst
888 908-3841
604 332-9213

K SCOTT replied 3 years ago   #13

@John..it has been about 6 years since I have done a parole pass..at that time..I had to send people to Calgary or Edmonton International with a waiver application completed and then maybe they would receive a parole pass..but they absolutely had to have a waiver submitted..I am sure this is all different now..sorry..I cant provide more updated info..

Michelle replied 3 years ago   #12


The Peace Bridge/Buffalo borders ONLY want an email or fax, but they prefer email. The airport as well.

You email your case, including documents. The Port Director if approved calls the applicant. They go to the border on the arranged date. They pay the fee.

Niagara Falls works best, Pearson Airport is much more complicated. I have written in length here about past ones we did before covid.

-the hockey fantasy camp guy (shocked he was approved)
-the experimental cancer treatment guy (4 consecutive port paroles until his waiver came)
-countless funerals
-The client who said she was staying with her brother because her mother was on her deathbed. The brother refused to answer the phone even though he was in the US legally because he was so scared of Homeland Security. Eventually we got it worked out but Homeland Security thought for a while he was hiding something.

I have not done a port parole outside of Ontario in years.

Its incredible that you do not know how they do Port Paroles, but this explains how you thought you could get a "ban" for applying for one. You thought people Go to the border. NO.

Michelle? Experiences with this type of application?

J Rogers replied 3 years ago   #11

You cannot get a port parole with only an email request. This is essentially because anyone can send an email. Sending an email request for a port parole is a complete waster of time.

K SCOTT replied 3 years ago   #10

This is a thread on PORT PAROLES. What does that have to do with "expedited removals"?

Ken, your confusing people, because you don't even understand the thread.

I posted a reply to an EMAILED Port Parole asking for EMERGENCY ENTRY to the United States. The worst case scenario is exactly what happened. A "no".

What are you failing to understand about this? They aren't going to ban someone because they refused an email request.

J Rogers replied 3 years ago   #9

Again, it is obvious that you do not understand how Expedited Removals & 5-year bans are processed. If so, then you would not make these ridiculous statements. smh Let me educate you here quickly Slick. Before Covid, a person could go down to a border and state "I am not here to seek entry. I am only here to inquire." Then the border cannot issue a 5-year ban since the person is not seeking entry. At the border, a 5-year ban can only be issued to an "arriving alien." If you are not seeking entry, then you are not an arriving alien.

However, an inadmissible person seeking entry at a border is running a risk of an Expedited Removal & 5 Year ban. It is up to the Chief on duty at the border as to whether they will issue the E.R. They generally do not like to grant paroles in general. Plus, again we have the criteria used to determine whether to grant a parole or not.

Now, having said that, there is a safe way to try to get a parole and not risk a 5-year ban. We have used it successfully on some of our people. Anyway, Sport, please ensure that your information is accurate in the future. Expedited Removals and 5-year bans are mentioned in the link below. Get some education and training in U.S. inadmissibility/border crossing law before you speak Slick. 😉


(b) Inspection of applicants for admission
(1) Inspection of aliens arriving in the United States and certain other aliens who have not been admitted
or paroled
(A) Screening
(i) In general
If an immigration officer determines that an alien (other than an alien described in subparagraph (F))
who is arriving in the United States or is described in clause (iii) is inadmissible under section 1182(a)
(6)(C) or 1182(a)(7) of this title, the officer shall order the alien removed from the United States without
further hearing or review unless the alien indicates either an intention to apply for asylum under
section 1158 of this title or a fear of persecution.

[ K SCOTT appended this reply on March 13, 2021 @ 8:53 pm ]

Your info is dangerous Sport since you have made numerous errors here on this forum throughout the years. The difference between us is that I have received official training and actual field experience in this field. Some of this training came from the American government, law enforcement agencies and more. Everything that I state can be found in the regulations and manuals.
You only go by what you assume but I use documented evidence.

Sorry Sport, by obviously my knowledge, skill and training clearly is superior to YOURS. Not trying to be a prick but we get tired of all the bad info being passed on out there. Btw this also includes bad info from US immigration lawyers. These border case can have a future impact on their lives.

You also said that there are absolutely no waiver cases pending from 2020 and prior. However, there are people reading this forum that are balking and laughing at you. This is because their cases have been pending from 2020 and prior. I know because they have told me this on the phone and even sent me their proof.

K SCOTT replied 3 years ago   #8


They are applying for emergency entry into the United States in WRITING. Unless they divulge something ludicrous, Homeland Security isn't going to punish them for applying. Either your not understanding the context of what I am saying, or your desperately hoping someone might pay you for something because they are "afraid" of making a mistake.

Port Paroles are infrequent and can be very arbitrary. That is true. That is why I started this thread with general information on an ACTUAL Port Parole. Wiht an ACTUAL response from Homeland Security. This is what people on the forum find interesting.

J Rogers replied 3 years ago   #7

Ok well they can listen to you and then come to me since they will need a waiver because of you. Obviously, you do not understand the U.S. Immigration Nationality act. Smh So will you pay their bill when they end up getting screwed? smh.

Lord Ken Scott
Senior U.S. Immigration Law Intelligence Analyst
888 908-3841
604 332-9213

K SCOTT replied 3 years ago   #6


No one is going to apply for a Port Parole and end up with a "ban".

J Rogers replied 3 years ago   #5

This thread just popped up on my email today. It is indeed a week old, and it is something that may not be as relevant today. The bottom line is that the land border is closed to nonessential travel for the moment. I do have the parole criteria that CBP uses in deciding whether to grant a parole or not though. They really did not like granting paroles even before Covid.

If people need to enter the USA, they can enter at CBP preclearance at select Canadian airports. However, they may not be able to enter to enter if they have been deemed inadmissible. However, I have a simple solution to this issue. All they have to do is call their local border and explain their situation to the chief. The chief will likely give his opinion as to whether they have a chance of getting approved for a parole or not.

Hence, there is really no need for people to even take this thread seriously since entry is always up to the discretion of the chief on duty. I am also always hesitant when people use the DIY method regarding these border crossing cases. It is very risky since the person can find themselves ending up with a 5-year ban that could turn into a lifetime one.

Ken Scott
Senior U.S. Immigration Law Intelligence Analyst
888 908-3841
604 332-9213

K SCOTT replied 3 years ago   #4


Can you post something you have that's not just opinion on this topic? Your opinion is valid, but see how I posted the actual message from Homeland Security?

Can you post something actually FROM Homeland Security instead of just "we do/did this, and we have this..." like SHOW everyone, that helps them more than saying you have something.

Remember, this forum is also for the DYI set as well as people who may use/want to use companies.

For example, the Chiefs name so people in that area could try that.

J Rogers replied 3 years ago   #3

Actually...I have the criteria that CBP uses to issue Port Paroles. It is the one that was recently changed as per this thread for sure. However, when the border reopens, they will likely go back to it. It is extremely detailed, and I could have told you that a parole would have failed at the land border due to the pandemic. However, you can still get it if it falls under the relevant criteria category and you have to get it set up and used at the airport if possible. There the chief will evaluate it and make an on the spot decision. It is similar but different from the old policy in many ways.

Again, ultimately the chief makes the final decision on these paroles. We have obtained them for people prior to Covid. We called down to the borders that we deal with and send the person down to speak to a specific chief. Paroles are hit and miss on a good day. I have seen them give one for a guy to attend a pool tournament but deny one for a guy that wanted to visit his sick mum in the hospital. CBP under Trump tightened up on paroles and they were harder to obtain.

Also, they have a pre-Covid provision that they MAY only grant a parole if the person had a waiver pending in the system and it was considered approvable. So yeah there is a bunch of other criteria that are used to make a determination regarding whether they will approve or deny a parole. You had previously mocked us having DHS contacts but it pays off for obtaining material as related to the topic of this thread.

Ken Scott
Senior U.S. Immigration Law Intelligence Analyst
888 908-3841
604 332-9213

K SCOTT replied 3 years ago   #2

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