E-Safe Processing Times

TravisTposted 5 years ago

Anyone know how long processing times for I-192 using the E-Safe process?

Replies (recent first):

@Marsha nah they didn’t want anything , I think it was because of my charges.

Here’s the timeline .

2/16/2023, 09:30 AM EST : Status changed to Completed
4/29/2022, 01:30 PM EDT : Status changed to Submitted to ARO
2/10/2022, 03:37 PM EST : Status changed to Paid
2/10/2022, 03:35 PM EST : Status changed to Signed
2/2/2022, 10:33 AM EST : Application Created

Patientlywaiting416 replied 2 years ago   #272

@Patientlywaiting416 you got your waiver finally. Congrats. Recent charges too so good. Did they want to see your court papers?

Tiffany replied 2 years ago   #271

@marsha thanks !!!

My record is

armed robbery 2012
Possession of instrument 2014

They gave me a 1 year waiver !

Just got off the phone with John and I will try my best to stay on the forums . I will need a renewal by the end for the year !

Patientlywaiting416 replied 2 years ago   #270

@Patientlywaiting416 congratulations! I’ve been waiting on this news for you! That is so awesome! I know how worried you were!! Congratulations!!!!🍾🎉🎊

Marsha replied 2 years ago   #269

Just updating you guys !

I got approved for 1 year!!!

I submitted the application April 29th 2022
Approved today !!! Feb 16th 2023

THANK YOU SO MUCH JOHN ROGERS FOR KEEPING ME CALM because man I was losing my shit !

Now to finally move forward !

Patientlywaiting416 replied 2 years ago   #268


John Rogers
Pardon and Waiver Experts
96 Kennedy Road South
Suite 201
Brampton On
cell 416-843-1371

Marsha replied 2 years ago   #267

@J Rogers Can you send me your details how to contact you. I need to apply for waiver

Alimalik231077 replied 2 years ago   #266

@WannaGoToUSA It took me 34 days to get my prints back from RCMP.
My hold up has been waiting for the waiver. I submitted Aug 22 and am still waiting for my waiver. Hopefully I hear by the end of this week. (currently 103 days)

gabby replied 2 years ago   #265

@Marsha Thanks.
There will definitely be a hit... that's why I need a waiver.

I had read other posts where folks had mentioned it took anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks (albeit those posts were about a yeart old).
Your 6 week return seems to fall in-line with what others are saying.

I just saw the 'up to 120 business days' on the RCMP website, and thought... "oh crap, 6 months just for fingerprints!".

WannaGoToUSA replied 2 years ago   #264

@WannaGoToUSA it took me exactly six weeks from the day I got it done to get the results in the mail. Keep in mind that’s with a hit. The ones without a hit is said to be processing faster.

Marsha replied 2 years ago   #263

I realize this isn't specifically e-safe related...
But I'm wondering what people are currently seeing for return times on RCMP fingerprints?

The reason I ask, is because when you look on the RCMP website, it says: Up To 120 Business Days (which is 6 months).
Does it really take 6 months to get your print file sent to you?

WannaGoToUSA replied 2 years ago   #262

@Tiffany. Thank you. That is what I feared, I'll just have to submit again and watch my junk mail folder more diligently and visit my esafe page more frequently next time. At least it only took a few months between when I submitted and when they made their decision (July to Oct).

Though I will wait awhile to see if there is a chance to salvage this attempt.

Mike T replied 2 years ago   #261

@Mike T it sounds like you have lost the opportunity to retrieve your waiver. From what I’ve read on this forum, there may not be anything you can do after the time passed but I’ll let the professionals and people who may have had a similar experience, advise you further.

Tiffany replied 2 years ago   #260

@Tiffany Yes I logged into my eSafe account to check the status. It said that it was completed in the middle of October but I did not check this until a week ago so if that 30 day time limit is correct I missed it. So this means I need to start again? or can they email me again?

Mike T replied 2 years ago   #259

@Mike T your response isn’t clear. Are you saying your application was completed sometime in October? If so, it is said that you have 30 days to print your waiver if one was sent to you. Which official site says your application was completed?

[ Tiffany appended this reply on December 2, 2022 @ 8:28 pm ]

Did you log into esafe and check your application? I’m honestly a bit puzzled.

Tiffany replied 2 years ago   #258

@Tiffany I don't, not really, but from what I can gather from looking around either here or elsewhere people seem to get an email with the results and since mine was completed around the middle of October according to the official site which I checked about a week ago should I not be getting an email? Will they mail it? Will they just tell me it is completed without informing my of the results?

Mike T replied 2 years ago   #257

@Mike T so how did you know they sent one of it was completed?

[ Tiffany appended this reply on December 2, 2022 @ 4:13 pm ]

Or it was**

Tiffany replied 2 years ago   #256

I never received an email after my status was changed to Completed. I'm not sure if it was never sent or it never arrived or it did arrive but landed in my Junk mail folder and has since been deleted.

Anyways, can I contact them to get the email resent or am I screwed and need to apply all over again and hope it works next time?

Thanks for any help you can give.

Mike T replied 2 years ago   #255

Thanks John

Tiffany replied 2 years ago   #254

@J Rogers I thought your fees were $495 for waivers as I am thinking of using you. Do you wrote the letter too?

Tiffany replied 2 years ago   #253

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